Air-Reflect Insulation
The quality of Air-Reflect’s components gives it benefits specific to a Reflective Thermal Barrier:
- The more the Radiation is reflected, the less heat transfer occurs
- Heat-producing appliances run less
- Energy savings in winter and in summer
- Heat comfort in winter and in summer
- Reduced need for air conditioners in summer
In the home, Radiation is a Heat Transfer mode that is just as important as conduction and convection.Â

The Air-Reflect Reflective Thermal Barrier is an obstacle to outside and inside radiation. It keeps the heat inside in the winter and reflects the sun’s Radiation in the summer.
Air-Reflect also forms a complete barrier, sealing out air and wind, and greatly limiting convection. As it is seamless, Air-reflect effectively seals out rain run-off, fog and powdery snow. Since Air-Reflect contains no mineral fibers, it does not absorb water and prevents condensation problems. The absence of humidity lowers the hygrometry rate by 15 to 20% compared to rooms insulated with standard insulation products.
Air-Reflect is stable, 100% rot-proof and totally hypoallergenic. There is no risk of crumbling material, so no airborne microparticles that may be harmful to the lungs and skin.
It is a clean product that neither collects dust (antistatic), nor retains bacteria, odours or dirt. Being neutral, it does not attract rodents, birds or insects. Finally, Air-Reflect is particularly resistant to crushing (C.S.T.B. No.CPM/02-0009, 16th April 2002).
Unlike standard Glass/Stone-based insulating products, Air-Reflect’s insulating power remains constant over time. Its lifetime is almost infinite. Moreover, Air-Reflect is 100% recyclable.
Not only does Air-Reflect have a high thermal performance but it also has extremely high air-tightness qualities.
How To Install Air-Reflect
Under Rafter Install